Spray Forecaster
With the Spray Forecaster you can view the weather for the upcoming 7-days with a view to spraying. Using the excellent weather data provided by MET Norway, Spray Forecaster uses the wind strength and precipitation to determine if its a good spray time.
Using Spray Forecaster
Spray Forecaster (SF) will open at your current location. If it's the first time you use SF you will be asked to allow the application to use your current location.

The weather for the next 7-days in now displayed with a view to be able to perform spray operations.
For each day there are three icons depicting the weather at 0600, 1200, 1800 hours. Each icon is color coded depending on the condition to be able to go spraying.
Wind conditions can be changed in the settings if you have a different tolerance to spraying in the wind than I do.
Clicking on the Sunrise/Sunset button will also display these times for the given location and date.

To get the forecast for a different location simply type the location into the search agea and click search.
I am always open to suggestions for any improvements.
Please use the contact sheet on the Support Page.